Vertical Raw Series by Red Cymbals

  • raw finish dry cymbals
  • thin but washy
  • very light lathing
  • raw bell


Sometimes you need dry cymbals at church and that’s where the Vertical Raw Series comes in.  We wanted to help Red Cymbals design a series of cymbals that was dry but still had some wash, thin but still had tone.  These are the pies that bring out to limit volume even more, and keep the tones controlled like crazy.  But they still have tone and wash and play like something lathed and pretty!

This series has all your standards: ride, crash, hats, etc. but there’s also a pretty special trash crash if you want to lofi it a bit.  We love the hammering on this series and the raw bells keep those overtones to an absolute minimum!

There are a variety of sizes and models to choose from so contact us for ordering.  We are the US distributor for Red Cymbals and we can let you know what we have in stock before orders are placed.  As with everything else we do, Red Cymbals are flat fee $45 shipping in the US and we offer free shipping to verified churches.